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分享 怀疑的阴霾
MingHao 2023-3-24 12:45
1257 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 TikTok CEO 国会听证
MingHao 2023-3-24 09:41
1291 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 SF & Washington DC diverse community anti-war demonstration
MingHao 2023-3-20 11:47
(demand peace, no war) CODEPINK sent giant pink helium balloons for the event 三藩市和華盛頓特區多元化社區反戰示威(要和平,不要戰爭) CODEPINK為活動送出巨型粉色氦氣球 http://johnsonwkchoi.com/2023/03/19/demand-peace-no-war/ https://rumble.com/v2dv5cq-demand-peace-no- ...
1136 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 英国豪门道歉:200年前在格林纳达奴役1000人
MingHao 2023-3-12 02:27
A wealthy family from the UK has apologized for enslaving more than 1,000 people on the island of Grenada almost 200 years ago. https://twitter.com/i/status/1634600571406565382
1194 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2023谁送谁上战场
MingHao 2023-3-10 04:47
“In the 2005 documentary Why We Fight, retired Air Force lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski said: “American people who have a son or a daughter that’s going to be deployed…they look at the cost-benefit, and they go ‘I don’t think that’s good.’ But when politicians who understand cont ...
1119 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 游说公司的免费服务和军火暴利
MingHao 2023-3-2 10:37
They’re lobbying for Ukraine pro bono – and making millions from arms firms https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/01/ukraine-lobbyists-washington-defense-industry?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other "光是军工业还不可能在短短4 年内平白无故把中美关系从友好合作推到敌对战争边缘。这是艾森豪威尔的时 ...
1089 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Hidden Voices AAPI History
MingHao 2023-2-28 14:12
Following the success of the Hidden Voices: Asian American Pacific Islanders pilot program, @DOEChancellor David C. Banks announced the launch of the AAPI history curriculum teachers guide to bring AAPI history and content to all public NYC schools. The curriculum has be ...
1404 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 History of Chinese American gaining the momentum
MingHao 2023-2-27 14:37
is the History of Chinese American gaining the momentum ? The history of Chinese Americans has been gaining momentum in recent years, as there has been a growing interest in understanding the contributions and experiences of Chinese Americans in the Un ...
1168 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 AAPI awareness
MingHao 2023-2-27 08:52
这个新鲜出炉的10分钟短片讲述了一群充满热情的多族裔大学生如何在新泽西一个校园里提高 AAPI awareness: https://youtu.be/ZgwkhGoTmEE 该片包含了AAPI Advocacy Campaign三部曲:亚裔刻板印象摄影展、街头采访对亚裔人物的了解、 以及持续两天的亚裔月大型户外展示 (包括仇亚言论集锦和受害者纪念堂,团结签名 ...
1011 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔发表文章: 第三次世界大战
MingHao 2023-2-25 06:32
1、我犹豫要不要写这篇文章。 我可能会被指责为俄罗斯人道歉(说话)。 我不是,我认为目前乌克兰和俄罗斯之间的战争是由欧洲人对战争、霸权和统治的热爱造成的。 2、俄罗斯是西欧国家(包括美国和加拿大)对德战争的伙伴。 德国战败的那一刻,西方宣布他们的伙伴俄罗斯是他们的新敌人。 3、 ...
1169 次阅读|0 个评论


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