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分享 the Boston Athenæum 波士顿书院里满是鸦片钱
MingHao 2024-9-19 03:47
chatgpt Several founders and early supporters of the Boston Athenæum were indeed involved in the Old China Trade , a lucrative commerce between the United States and China that spanned the late 18th to mid-19th centuries. The trade centered around goods such as tea, silk, porcelain, and spices ...
65 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Boston Associates
MingHao 2024-9-19 03:43
ChatGPT The Boston Associates were a group of powerful merchants, financiers, and industrialists in early 19th-century New England. They played a key role in the rise of the American Industrial Revolution, particularly through their investments in the te ...
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分享 谷歌翻译功能 极大地提升了不同语言之间人的沟通理解
MingHao 2024-9-19 03:38
谷歌翻译功能 极大地提升了不同语言之间人的沟通理解 美国人对财产一直怀有爱恨交织的关系。早期的美国人怀疑奢侈品是一种腐败的力量,会导致贵族统治。在《大西洋世界的购买身份》一书中, 菲利斯惠特曼亨特展示了美国精英不仅迷恋他们的财产,还热衷于消费,以塑造他们的世界并宣扬他们的成功。在十八世纪的新英 ...
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分享 美国工业革命
MingHao 2024-9-19 03:07
How did the Industrial Revolution change the United States? What makes industrialization possible? How does art reflect the varying experiences within a capitalist economy? https://www.nga.gov/learn/teachers/lessons-activities/uncovering-america/industrial-revolution.html ...
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分享 1862年2个法律是共同目标
MingHao 2024-9-18 02:56
chagpt 《宅地法》和《太平洋铁路法》都于1862年颁布,它们在推动美国西部拓展和开发方面密切相关。两者的 共同目标 是鼓励定居和促进美国西部广袤未开发地区的经济发展。以下是它们之间的关系: 1. 《宅地法》(1862年) : 该法律规定,任何成年人公民(或有意成为公民的人)只要愿意在指定的土地上定居并耕种至少 ...
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分享 Theodore Judah纪念碑
MingHao 2024-9-18 02:23
Old Sacramento in Sacramento County, California — TheAmericanWest (PacificCoastal) Theodore Dehone Judah That The West May Remember — America’s First — Photographed By Syd Whittle, September 24, 2008 1. Theodore Dehone Judah ...
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分享 1860年Judah画出了铁路翻山路线
MingHao 2024-9-18 02:15
游说白宫,1862年通过铁路法 https://sfmuseum.org/hist4/practical.html https://exhibits.stanford.edu/rr/feature/maps-of-theodore-judah https://www.dougstepsout.com/2015/07/20/theodore-d-judah-part-i-a-man-with-a-mission/ https://www.uprrmuseum.org/uprrm/exhibits/curators-corner ...
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分享 Theodore Judah Advocated for the transcontinental Railroad
MingHao 2024-9-18 02:08
Theodore Judah was a key advocate and driving force behind the creation of the first transcontinental railroad in the United States. Here’s how he contributed to the project: 1. Engineering Expertise and Vision Judah was a skilled civil engineer who had worked on railroad projects in the Ea ...
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分享 读书笔记:Stairway to Empire
MingHao 2024-9-18 02:07
2 Asa Whitneyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asa_Whitney_(canal_commissioner) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appletons%27_Cyclop%C3%A6dia_of_American_Biography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asa_Whitney The first serious proposal for building a transcontinental railroad was made i ...
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分享 Peter Cooper 美国蒸汽机制造人和他的免费大学
MingHao 2024-9-17 11:42
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Cooper 美国蒸汽机制造人 Cooper Union was founded by Peter Cooper , a prominent American industrialist, inventor, and philanthropist, in 1859. Cooper, who was largely self-educated, wanted to provide education that was accessible to the working cla ...
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