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Thomas Foon Chew: A Visionary in his Time

已有 986 次阅读2023-9-3 04:54 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

Dr. Gloria Hom shares the remarkable life story of her grandfather, Thomas Foon Chew, who was a very successful Chinese-American businessman during the early 20th Century, in the Chinese Exclusion Act period in California. Settling in the South Bay, he became a cannery magnate, starting and developing Bayside Cannery, the third largest cannery in the US.

Dr. Gloria Hom is a fourth-generation Californian who has spent her life in pursuit of the best for her family and community. She is an economist, professor, lecturer, businesswoman, community leader and administrator with extensive civic and community involvement.

Presented on March 31, 2019 at Rinconada Library in Palo Alto, California. 


Thomas Foon Chew: the California Asparagus King!

Please help to preserve our Chinese historical site, Bayside Cannery, in Palo Alto.  https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121519/7406944                                                             

My translation of the above World Journal article on 8/30:                                                               

The city of Palo Alto will soon finalize plans for a redevelopment of a factory building at 340 Portage Ave. However, behind this factory building is the history of Thomas Foon Chew, a Chinese business tycoon in the Bay Area at the beginning of the last century. In the last century, when the Chinese Exclusion Act was the most severe, Zhao ChanYuan opened several factories in the Bay Area and he owned the third largest canning factory in the United States at that time. He revolutionized asparagus canning technology and was known as the "Asparagus King". He unfortunately died of pneumonia at the age of 41, and more than 25,000 people in San Francisco Chinatown in attended his funeral. 
Terry Holzmer is an ordinary teacher in the Palo Alto School District. By chance, he read the book "Historical Celebrities in the Bay Area" by Robin Chapman, which records Zhao ChanYuan's deeds . Facing of the city council's coming discussion to demolish the factory building and build 74 townhouses, he raised $1,500 on a crowdfunding website and applied to list the cannery factory of the  old building as a historical inventory of the city, exempting it from demolition.
"Understanding Thomas Foon Chew is very important, and unfortunately history has all but forgotten him. He should be recognized for what he accomplished in an environment of unimaginable racial prejudice and discrimination," Holzmey said. "We tend to forget this important point, if our next generation forgets where they came from, it will be a great loss to the whole society."
Karen Holman, the former mayor of Palo Alto, said, "It is very important to have a physical historical site that everyone can visit. People will deepen their understanding of history because of the real experience of the physical site. People would say, oh, this is where that and such and such happened. It is very important to preserve the historical relics that are within reach. Especially considering that Chao ChanYuan’s factory in Alviso is gone today.”
At present, the old canning factory site is qualified to be listed as California historical registrar if desired, but it still needs to pass the hearing of the "Historic Resources Board" (HRB) in Palo Alto on September 14 in order to be listed as a historic inventory of Palo Alto. 

On the 5th of September, the Palo Alto City Council will discuss the development agreement between the city government and Sobrato, which currently owns the factory building. If passed, 40 percent of the factories would be demolished to make way for 74 townhouses. The remaining factory buildings will be refurbished for commercial use.
What worries Holzmey and Holman is that once the council approves a development agreement and 40 per cent of the building is demolished, the old cannery building will no longer qualify as a historic place. So they hope that more people can attend the city council meeting on September 5, or write to the council at city.council@cityofpaloalto.org (mailto:city.council@cityofpaloalto.org), expressing their wishes to preserve the old canning factory building as a historical relic.
Monica Yeung Arima, board member of the Palo Alto History Museum, said: "Asian American history is not well documented, not well taught to our next generation, or for the longest time it is not included in our curriculum education. And the rise of Asian hate crimes further reminds us of the importance of Asian American history education.”
Yeung Wai Ping (Monica's Chinese name楊慧萍)said, "The Asian community is growing, and it is of great significance to preserve a Chinese historical site that can resonate with the Asian community. This historical site tells us and recognizes that we belong here from a long time ago."

More details could be found at https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/Departments/Planning-Development-Services/Current-Planning/Projects/200-Portage-Ave

Santa Clara Valley Lives: Thomas Foon Chew: The man who made ...Bayside Cannery Company - 芦笋罐头大王Thomas Foon ChewHistory of Fry's site complicates city's redevelopment plans ...Personal Glimpse of the Asparagus King - Chinese Historical Society of  America

History Museum Explores the Life of Cannery Pioneer Thomas ...

Bayside Cannery Company - 芦笋罐头大王Thomas Foon Chew
The Cannery of Palo Alto | Palo Alto CARead the Plaque - Bayside Cannery

23. General view of the interior of the Bayside Cannery, original office (currently a classroom) and storage areas, facing southeast. - Bayside Cannery, 1290 Hope Street, Alviso, Santa Clara County, CA Photos from Survey HABS CA-2686

Bayside Cannery, 1290 Hope Street, Alviso, Santa Clara County, CA | Library  of Congress








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