

分享 Lum VS MS学区 1924
MingHao 2024-3-6 11:54
1925 spring FALL James Flowers 1927 1924 Fall 美国南方第一个种族隔离学校的案子 Earl Brewer 1924年 MARTHA9岁半, 姐姐走一个半MILE到学校8点半上课 Berda 3年纪用铅笔扎同学差点被赶走 3年纪一起上的 妹妹跳了一级 和姐姐一起学 1924 Johnson REED ACT quo ...
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分享 BOSE 公司的诞生与一位华人科学家的投资
MingHao 2024-3-6 02:55
The company was founded in Massachusetts in 1964 by Amar Bose with angel investor funding, including Amar's thesis advisor and professor, Y. W. Lee. 右边是MIT Acoustic professor, Y. W. Lee 左边是 Amar Bose https://en.wikipedia.org/wi ...
个人分类: 华人历史|329 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 颜福庆民国卫生署署长,颜雅清 爷爷参加南北战争
MingHao 2024-3-6 01:53
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/612143465 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A1%8F%E6%98%A5%E8%BC%9D https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/11378/202206/37186.html 她爷爷在OHIO读书毕业后在UnionARMY服务后来回到中国 颜雅清生于1904年1月17日,是孔子门徒颜回的后代。祖父颜如松留学美国,英年早逝后, ...
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分享 1943听证会提交文件 Seward
MingHao 2024-3-4 11:56
美国国务卿 1861-1869 https://www.amazon.com/Chinese-Immigration-Social-Economical-Aspects/dp/1436804361 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Seward https://www.nyhistory.org/blogs/george-frederick-seward-and-the-chinese-exclusion-act 把侄子指派为去中国当了20年的牧师,女儿坚持维 ...
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分享 康州三杰抗击排华法
MingHao 2024-3-4 05:55
Joseph Rowell Hawley 邝其照 (英文:Kwong Ki Chiu),字 容阶 ,曾任清末驻美商务外交官员和教育部官员。1886年清光绪十二年六月,创办《 广报 》,成为 广州 第一家报社。邝其照一生从事商务,撰著群书,创办报业,是广东的新闻界人物。邝其照是 邝荣光 、 邝国光 、 邝炳光 三位 留美幼童 的叔父。 ...
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分享 Claude Pepper,Charles O. Andrews 佛州两位为华人平等地位抗争的议员 ...
MingHao 2024-3-4 03:13
一个佛州议员 为废除排华法1943年佛州参议院为华人仗义执言 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_Pepper from Wiki "Notably in 1943 he would attempt to repeal the (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Exclusion_Act). On September 30, 1943, Andrews proposed S.1404 in the Senate whic ...
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分享 1943年10月21号众议院通过废除“排华法”Magnuson
MingHao 2024-3-3 12:07
senate approved Andrew proposal Notably in 1943 he would attempt to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act . On September 30, 1943, Andrews proposed S.1404 in the Senate which would have repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act and was identical to the bill which was ...
个人分类: 华人历史|664 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 "friends of China and Advocates of Justice"
MingHao 2024-3-1 07:26
https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Great_American_Documents_Volume_II/hDSnDwAAQBAJ?hl=engbpv=1dq=%22Friends+of+China+and+Advocates+of+Justice%22pg=PA124printsec=frontcover https://www.google.com/books/edition/_/S02AAAAAIAAJ?hl=zh-CNsa=Xved=2ahUKEwinobqT2tGEAxUREVkFHVIEB ...
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分享 Daniel Manning letter to Governor Watson C. Squire regarding enforcement of the
MingHao 2024-3-1 03:31
华盛顿州长要求联邦管理边境禁止华人劳工非法穿越 财长回信说已经有排华法了 https://digitalcollections.lib.washington.edu/digital/collection/pioneerlife/id/2881
个人分类: 华人历史|327 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 抗日援助中国几个项目
MingHao 2024-2-29 11:19
https://www.jstor.org/stable/23612572 The United China Relief records are arranged in four series: Series I. China Aid Council 1938-1947. 3 boxes The records of the China Aid Council, which coincide with the period of World War II, include reports on the medical and public he ...
个人分类: 华人历史|371 次阅读|0 个评论


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