

分享 拒绝贩卖鸦片的Olyphant & Co. 同孚洋行
MingHao 2023-8-31 10:50
同孚洋行 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E5%90%8C%E5%AD%9A%E6%B4%8B%E8%A1%8C https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_1419155 https://www.cosmiccare.org/Magazine/Detail/7b8e4b46-72f0-4cb9-b923-5438fb9c7029 https://www.globethics.net/pdfs/CNKI/CJFD/LISI199804000.pdf http://biogr ...
个人分类: 鸦片|500 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 William C. Hunter - Old China Trade
MingHao 2023-8-31 10:32
Robert B. Forbes, Esq., of Boston, U.S.A https://www.gutenberg.org/files/42685/42685-h/42685-h.htm MESSRS. RUSSELL CO., CANTON. 1823 TO 1844. The house of Russell Co. was constituted on January 1, 1824, in succession to that of Samuel Russell Co., which had existed ...
个人分类: 鸦片|536 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 棉花帝国视频
MingHao 2023-8-31 04:06
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E6%A3%89%E8%8A%B1%E5%B8%9D%E5%9B%BD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKir2ILqAgt=30629s
个人分类: American Art (History)|564 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Sargent
MingHao 2023-8-31 04:02
https://youtu.be/bGtVMh7PY40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjLk5pNn2Js
个人分类: American Art (History)|449 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Sarah Laursen
MingHao 2023-8-31 03:57
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3nvitrCkCg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk_LRISTQQU
个人分类: American Art (History)|533 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 calendar 鸦片换中国艺术品:哈佛展览9月14日开幕(免费)
MingHao 2023-8-31 03:25
鸦片换中国艺术品:哈佛展览 9 月 14 日开幕(免费) 9 月 14 日晚 6 点,哈佛大学艺术馆“鸦片贸易与中国艺术品展”拉开帷幕。 地址: 32 Quincy St Cambridge, MA 02138 红线地铁“哈佛”站下车: 该展览探讨 18 世纪末至 20 世纪初鸦片贸易与中国艺术市场的交 ...
个人分类: American Art (History)|530 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Women and the Asian Art Trade
MingHao 2023-8-31 02:31
个人分类: American Art (History)|439 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 唐人街鸦片馆
MingHao 2023-8-31 00:45
个人分类: 华人历史|424 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 09/14/2023 哈佛艺术馆讲座
MingHao 2023-8-31 00:44
Thursday, September 14 , 2023 Lecture— Objects of Addiction : Opium, Empire, and the Chinese Art Trade Lecture 6:00pm - 7:30pm opium and Chinese art—two influential commodities traded in China, the British Empire, and Massachusetts between the 18th and early 20th cent ...
个人分类: 华人历史|372 次阅读|0 个评论

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