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热度 2已有 13497 次阅读2014-5-26 22:21 |系统分类:政治


How and why THE LOOPBy Marie McDonald

Several years ago, I became concerned about the lack of rebuttal by our Democratic party of the lies and misstatements bombarding us in the media.  I felt our fellow Democrats deserved to have facts and specific information to refute such erroneous statements.  I talked to my friend, Ellis Goldberg, and from our discussions, THE LOOP was born.  As chair of the Communications Committee of our Contra Costa Democratic Central Committee, I asked if THE LOOP could be the official newsletter of our DPCCCC with Ellis and I as co-editors and with each issue to be reviewed by several DPCCC Board members prior to issuance.  We assured the DPCCC that the source of every article we reprinted would be given. 

That purpose and those procedures have been faithfully followed through the 17 previous issues.  Our readers now total more than 5,000. We are grateful for the support of our readers and for their expressions of thanks for the facts and information THE LOOP has provided.  Researching, writing, editing and emailing each issue of THE LOOP has been a labor of love.  Also, we should all be proud of what the readers of THE LOOP have helped accomplish.  This edition of THE LOOP is dedicated to let you know exactly how you have helped sustain and support the “for the common good” goals of Democrats.

The purpose of THE LOOP is fulfilled by the actions of our readers participating in events, activities, supporting or opposing candidates, ballot measures and legislation that contribute TO THE COMMON GOOD.



The arc of the moral universeThe Democratic Party of Contra Costa County bends the arc of the moral universe toward justice by vetting, supporting or opposing candidates, ballot measures and legislation through political action including education.



·        Chartered Democratic Clubs have speakers at their meetings including candidates, elected officials, government officials, experts, and those asking for support for their cause.  This educates club members so they better understand issues and who they want to represent them.  Club members participate in campaigns, table at street fairs and register citizens to vote.  There are11 Democratic Clubs presenting opportunities to meet, work and have fun with other Democrats.

·        THE LOOP’s readers are educated by articles that present a Democratic Party values perspective on the issues and candidates.  Opportunities for political action are also presented in THE LOOP.  Local Democrats will frequently be published in THE LOOP while other publications won’t publish them.  The Truth Bytes column in every issue includes the websites people can go to which will verify or refute claims, statements, allegations, etc. that they question. These websites are very effective tools readers use to counter and refute conservative Republican lies.

·        Both the clubs and the central committee support and endorse candidates.  Forums are sponsored where the candidates make their positions known and answer questions. 

·        Campaign offices support endorsed candidates & ballot measures during the heavier campaign seasons, giving grassroots Democrats an opportunity to have a political impact.

·        Door hangers with the official Democratic Party slate have been delivered to Democratic households throughout the county.

·        The Central Committee and the clubs pass resolutions for or against legislation, empowering Democrats to take political action in support of the party, rather than as just individuals.  Frequently the resolutions are taken to the state party for endorsement.

With your help we have helped pass:

·        The Affordable Care Act which allows millions of Californians to have health care without fear of cancellation, limitations,

·        SB27 which requires non-profits to list their individual top contributors so in the future we will know who the backers of the bills non-profits want us to vote for;

Here are several opportunities

·        Join a club or become an associate member of the Central Committee.

·        Help pass a bill to require health insurance companies to submit rate increases for the approval of the insurance commissioner, just as auto insurance companies do.

·        See Joe Ely’s article below concerning SB 27 & SB 52 California Disclose Act

·        Pitch in during a political campaign.  
See the endorsed candidate list below and click to go to the candidate’s campaign website.

·        We are recognizing Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Congressman George Miller for their outstanding leadership and three local Democrats for their service to the community.  This is an opportunity to thank Congressman Miller for his 40 years of service to our county.  Congressmen Miller and McNerney have confirmed, Leader Pelosi is invited and Senator Padilla has confirmed attendance. Many other local elected Democrats will attend.  Join us as we celebrate local Democratic activists, volunteers, and elected officials at

The Roosevelt Awards Dinner 
Friday, June 27, 
5:30pm Cocktails / 6:30pm Dinner , 
The Crowne Plaza Hotel, 
45 John Glenn DriveConcord.  



Several months ago, a young Southern California Democrat named Kai Newkirk, interrupted the Supreme Court with "Corporations are not people and our Democracy is not for sale".  Watch the 2:44 min video the first time SCOTUS has been taped.

Kai was immediately arrested and spent one night in a Washington, D.C. jail. He was ordered to appear in court toward the end of April. The attorneys for the Supreme Court wanted the judge to give Kai a substantial jail sentence, 100 hrs.of community service and a monetary fine.  Kai appeared last month as ordered by the Washington, DC. court and pled guilty. The judge sentenced him to the one night in jail that he had already spent, a $100.00 fine and no community service.  Kai's attorney served pro bono and contributions covered his fine and expenses. 

Kai's experience has generated more publicity on Americans objecting to the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling than any other action or event to date. NOW, Kai’s organization, 99RISE & several others are walking 480 miles from LA to Sacramento to bring Kai’s message to California.  The goal of this MARCH is to influence our legislators and governor to pass a ballot measure, the first US State Voter Resolution. that an Amendment to our Constitution be submitted to our states that will guarantee what Kai said to the Supreme Court.  This will tell Congress that Californians want the amendment.

The MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY is sponsored by Kai's 99rise group. MOVETO AMEND, CLEAN MONEY, DISCLOSE, both the Northern & Southern Coalitions of MONEY OUT, PEOPLE IN, MOVE ON, DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA, and a number of other organizations that wish to overturn CITIZENS UNITED.  The MARCH FOR DEMOCRACY started Saturday, May 17th, from LA City Hall, and will end June 27th (35 days later).  They need your help with sleeping arrangements, food, water and first-aid along the way. .  Support the California March For Democracy through FACEBOOK and the March For Democracy website.

Hats off to you, Kai & 99RISE.  We appreciate the risk you took and are proud of your actions  Read the Daily Kos article for march details.                       

Lawrence Lessig the prominent proponent of getting money out of politics will join the march on his birthday. 


Truth Bytes

Did You Know


CountedAsCast.com is about elections, voting systems & democracy.  Fair and accurate elections are mission-critical to government.  When elections are at risk, government is at risk. This website is an excellent resource for those interested in protecting the voting process. 

Who does the Democratic Party Endorse

For the California Primary on June 3, the following are the official endorsements of the Democratic Party of Contra Costa County and the California Democratic Party:  Links are to the ballot measure or the candidate’s campaign website.

Local Measures

·        Measure E (Contra Costa Community College District): YES

Ballot Initiatives

·        Proposition 41 (Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act): YES

·        Proposition 42 (Open Meetings State Reimbursement to Local Agencies): YES

Statewide & BOE Endorsed Candidates

·        Governor: Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown*

·        Lieutenant Governor: Gavin Newsom*

·        Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris*

·        Treasurer: John Chiang*

·        Insurance Commissioner: Dave Jones*

·        Supt. of Public Instruction: Tom Torlakson*

·        Controller: No recommendation

Betty Yee & John Perez are both Democrats

·        Secretary of State: No recommendation

Alex Padilla & Derek Cressman are both Democrats

·        Board of Equalization, District 2Fiona Ma

U.S. House of Representatives

·        District 5: Mike Thompson*

·        District 9: Jerry McNerney*

·        District 11: Mark DeSaulnier

·        District 15: Eric Swalwell*

California State Assembly

·        District 11: Jim Frazier*

·        District 14: Susan A. Bonilla*

·        District 15: Elizabeth Echols

·        District 16: Tim Sbranti

* Incumbent


Only 21 bills have been signed by 
the President during this congress

One of those 21 bills was authored by Congressman Eric Swalwell with bi-partisan support.  The bill H.R. 3771, allows taxpayers to deduct charitable donations to victims of last November’s Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) on their 2013 tax returns.  “I take great pride that the first bill I passed in the House of Representatives will speed recovery in an area that desperately needs support,” said Swalwell. FULL STORY 


This Party Is Mine

Houston Mayor Annise Parker addressed delegates at the 2014 California Democrats State Convention in Los Angeles.  This was the most inspirational address at the convention, watch the video(10 mins) it will bring you up  Watch all the addresses.


Chevron USA & Chevron Corporation are not 
the same company, so pay to play is legal.
Corporate Schizophrenia means get out of jail free

Corporations with the federal government contracts are barred from contributing to campaigns of candidates for federal office.  In order to get around the law Chevron claims two identities that share the same address, corporate officers and owners.  One has government contracts Chevron USA and the other Chevron Corporation donated $2.5 Million to Republican Candidates in 2012. 

A recent decision from the Federal Elections Commission could overturn 70 years of precedent and defang a long-standing law that bars companies from buying favorable election results to gain federal contracts. Goodbye anti-pay-to-play laws, hello corporateAmerica profiting off lucrative government deals based on campaign donations.

Read the full Mother Jones article


Chevron springs for Pizza

After an explosion at a fracking site in Pennsylvania Chevron sent the following to the effected residents


Chevron recognizes the effect this has had on the community.  We value being a responsible member of this community and will continue to strive to achieve incident-free operations.  We are committed to taking action to safeguard our neighbors, our employees, our contractors and the environment…

Tucked inside the envelope was a gift certificate to Bobtown Pizza, courtesy of Chevron. It entitles the resident to a free large pizza, and before you say something like, “Boy, is that chintzy,” you should know that was just the beginning, that the coupon also entitles the holder to a 2-liter soda.

Is there a catch? Well, sort of – the certificate is good for a "special combo only." Remember, Chevron's yearly profits declined in 2013 and the firm made just barely over $21 billion. You weren't really expected pepperoni, too, were you?

How Glenn Greenwald met Edward Snowden


Greenwald is the journalist chosen by Snowden to publish historic revelations about the NSA.  The article by Greenwald is a summarized version of the first chapter in his new book No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Security State,.

Greenwald spoke to Amy Goodman of Democracy Now in aninterview that seems to be taken from a spy movie.


The Price of Human Life, According to GM  
By Michael Moore, 
I am opposed to the death penalty, but to every rule there is usually an exception, and in this case I hope the criminals at General Motors will be arrested and made to pay for their pre-meditated decision to take human lives for a lousy ten bucks. The executives at GM knew for 13 years that their cars had a defective ignition switch that would, well, kill people. But they did a "cost-benefit analysis" and concluded that paying off the deceased's relatives was going to be cheaper than having to install a $10 part per car.


Debunking the Chambers Minimum Wage Myth

House Speaker John Boehner says raising the minimum wage is "bad policy" because it will cause job losses.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says a minimum wage increase would be a job killer. Republicans and the Chamber also say unions are job killers, workplace safety regulations are job killers, environmental regulations are job killers, and the Affordable Care Act is a job killer. The California Chamber of Commerce even publishes an annual list of "job killers," including almost any measures that lift wages or protect workers and the environment.

Most of this is bunk. When in 1996 Labor Secretary Rober Reich recommended the minimum wage be raised, Republicans and the Chamber screamed it would "kill jobs." In fact, in the four years after it was raised, the U.S. economy created more jobs than were ever created in any four-year period.  
Read The Real Job Killers By Robert Reich

California health insurance rates 
need regulation: By Dr. 
Paul Y. Song

In my 20 years as a practicing oncologist, I have seen way too many of my vulnerable patients fall victim to our current health care system, which has become quite deleterious and very mischievous.

In 2011, there were close to 2.5 million medical-related bankruptcies in the United States. Shockingly, 75 percent of these involved patients who actually had insurance.

It’s shocking to me, then, that the California Medical Association and its president, Dr. Richard Thorp, are working side by side with the state’s largest health insurance companies to deny patients the affordable health insurance they deserve.

Read his full editorial


Affluenza Defense Lands Wealthy Teen in Rehab After He Kills 4 People in Drunk Driving Accident

A wealthy teen who killed four people in a Texas drunk driving accident will not go to jail after a judge ruled this week that instead, he must attend an expensive rehabilitation facility paid ... Read More

How to breach the elected official firewall

Trying to get through by phone or email to an elected official’s office can be difficult to impossible especially if you do not live in the district.  The offices have fax machines which are under utilized.  Search for FREE FAX to find services which let you send several free faxes daily.  Carefully compose the fax, be creative with graphics that purvey your message and fax it to multiple elected officials.  Faxes can be simple word documents or powerpoint graphic. 


Justice Stevens: Supreme Court
 Misinterpreted the Second Amendment

“For more than 200 years following the adoption of that amendment, federal judges uniformly understood that the right protected by that text was limited in two ways: First, it applied only to keeping and bearing arms for military purposes, and second, while it limited the power of the federal government, it did not impose any limit whatsoever on the power of states or local governments to regulate the ownership or use of firearms. Thus, in United States v. Miller, decided in 1939, the court unanimously held that Congress could prohibit the possession of a sawed-off shotgun because that sort of weapon had no reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a “well regulated Militia.”wrote Stevens.


Vampire Squid Strikes Again: The Mega Banks' Most Devious Scam Yet

Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier scams than ever.  By MATT TAIBBI in Rolling Stone

The story is more mind blowing than the title.  Investment banks have been buying up entire industrial sectors, manipulating supplies so that investment bets that they make pay off.

“Today, banks like Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs own oil tankers, run airports and control huge quantities of coal, natural gas, heating oil, electric power and precious metals. They likewise can now be found exerting direct control over the supply of a whole galaxy of raw materials crucial to world industry and to society in general, including everything from food products to metals like zinc, copper, tin, nickel and, most infamously thanks to a recent high-profile scandal, aluminum.” writes Taibbi.

Making bets on futures of these commodities, then making the bet pay off through manipulation has been very profitable.  Some might call this CHEATING.  Who are the victims?  Those who bet against the fixers and customers who are hurt by fluctuations in price and supply.  The author suggests that this is a scheme for world dominance by a few banks who would own and run everything – wait a second – would that be communism or facism?


The California DISCLOSE Act (Senate Bill 52) Update BY Joe Ely of $$$out,People In

Senate Bill 27, was signed into law May 14, 2014 by Governor Brown.  It contains much of the “Follow the Money” provisions that were originally part of SB 52.  Those provisions are necessary for SB 52 to work, because they provide the data that SB 52 would use to disclose the top 3 original funding sources of every political advertisement on the ad itself.  Storing that data is not enough if it is not made readily available to the electorate, just as storing a list of food ingredients in a database is not enough if it is not put on the label for the consumer. That’s why passing SB 52 with the required 2/3 majority in the Assembly this summer is important.  Democracy demands a truly informed electorate.

SB 52 Timeline

§         June:  Assembly Elections Committee.  Either Tues, June 10 or Tues, June 24.  Likely at 1:30pm

§         Will do full lobby day whichever day it is.

§         July:  Assembly Appropriations Committee

§         July or August:  Assembly Floor








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