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分享 从”东京审判”到抗日史实-丁丁电视品牌节目《硅谷看世界》之现场特别节目专题讨论(Z ...
热度 5 宜修 2015-3-14 10:47
丁丁电视品牌节目《硅谷看世界》之现场特别节目 专题讨论: 从东京审判到抗日史实 69年前梅汝璈作为唯一的中国法官,参与了远东国际军事法庭审判,据理力争将东条英机等战犯送上绞刑架。梅汝璈的后人梅小侃、梅小璈在责任感驱使下,一直致力于推进东京审判的研究。位于硅谷的世界抗日史实维护会成立20周年,不遗余力维护史实、追讨公道、保障和平,同时推广公众教育,让更多年轻人了解历史事实。 今年是抗日战争胜利70周年纪念,在这具有特殊历史意义的时刻,丁丁电视与世界抗日史实维护会共同主办这期专题节目《从东京审判到抗日史实》,邀请到大法官梅汝璈之女--梅小侃,与主持人丁维平以及抗日史实维护会的几位嘉宾一起回顾历史, 探究其影响。历史不会因为后人刻意回避或肆意歪曲而消失改变,只有直面并承认那些残酷的史实,才能帮助我们更好看清今天的责任,避免历史重演。才能真正为现在的中日和平外交扫清障碍。这是我们每一个有责任感的中国人,尤其是年轻一代的中国人,应该关注和承担的历史使命。本期也将在网络及电视传播,面向千万观众。欢迎光临丁丁电视摄影棚与嘉宾现场互动,及参与网路直播互动。 Panelists: 梅小侃 (东京审判中国大法官梅汝璈之女) 贺英明 (世界抗日战争史实维护联合会会长) 丁元 (世界抗日战争史实维护联合会常务副会长长) 邵正印(旧金山抗日战争史实维护会会长) Moderator : 丁维平Diana Ding(Founderof Ding Ding TV) When : Tuesday, March 24 th 20154:30pm Where : 3350 ScottBlvd.Building 54,Santa Clara CA 95054(Ding DingTV) Tel: 408-244-8883 Organizer : 世界抗日战争史实维护联合会 丁丁电视 嘉宾及主办单位介绍 : 梅小侃 ,女,1950年出生。东京审判中国法官梅汝璈之女。北京大学法律系国际法专业硕士、博士,美国丹佛大学国际问题研究专业硕士。曾在美国律师事务所 工作,后加入跨国集团公司任大中华区法律顾问多年。现为东京审判研究中心兼职研究员。翻译了英文原著《超越胜者之正义——东京战争罪行审判再检讨》,参与了将 中文著作《东京审判文集》译为英文的工作,并与梅小璈共同编辑了《梅汝璈东京审判文稿》。 世界抗日战争史实维护联合会 The Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WW II in Asia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan worldwide federation of over 40 grassroots organizations. Founded in 1994, our mission is to preserve the historical truth of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945). For only from truth in history, can we secure justice for victims, safeguard humanity from repeating mistakes of the past, and bring about genuine reconciliation and lasting peace among all people. Our mission is expressed through our educational programs and projects founded on these self-evident principles: That a full accounting for the Asia-Pacific War is imperative when ruling elements of the Japanese Government foster collective amnesia and ultra-nationalistic citizens engage in denial,justification and whitewashing of Japanese war crimes committed in the first half of the 20th century That unspeakable crimes against humanity were committed on a grand scale during this historical period That victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity are still seeking justice at the hands of Japan seven decades after the end of this war That a nation which forgets the past is condemned to repeat its mistakes in the future We embrace our mission with no other feeling but sympathy and friendship toward the people of Japan and of Japanese descent elsewhere, for they too have been victims of Japan's militarism. We invite all people of goodwill to join in our endeavor in the spirit of the Golden Rule. For worldwide justice, peace, and prosperity will prevail and endure so long as nations shall do unto others as they would have others do unto them. 消息来源: http://www.dingding.tv/bbs/read.php?tid=12456ds=1page=1toread=1#tpc
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