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分享 Treatment for Children in Vegetative State
炎黄医学 2019-8-1 06:12
https://youtu.be/lLWJ0A_yXsg Treatment for Children in Vegetative State.mp4
个人分类: 神经修复|10695 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Treatments for Vegetative State, Blindness and Alzheimer's Disease
炎黄医学 2017-1-5 19:03
We have developed some treatments that can repair/regenerate many types of pathological cells including neural cell. Please see the following cases : https://youtu.be/lLWJ0A_yXsg Case 1 P ersistent Vegetative State 4 4-year-old Chinese man in Haerbin , China. Diagnosed 2015-12-19 AVM(Arteriovenous malformation of brain) rupture , b rain hernia and then PVS( persistent vegetative state ). All left cerebrum necrosis or atrophy. Result One of the best hospital in China try many treatments and no effect. Consciousness recovery in 11 day s after we treat in November , 201 6 . 2016-10-21 P ersistent vegetative state after l eft side cerebrumatrophy andputrescence. 2016-10-25 We started to treat him. 2016-10-2 7 Phlegm s uction at least 5 times per day. 2016-10-2 7 Phlegm s uction a t least 5 times per day. 2016-10-2 8 Nurse aide said "He slept very well last night, before he did not sleep good. There was little cough last night. He coughs a lot before. " 2016-10-2 8 Nurse aide said patient can move his thumb after our treatment. Patient's Mom and we said that's not for sure. 2016-10-31 Next day, we left the city and left him oral herb for about 30 days. 2016-11-06 not much better yet 2016-1 1 - 09 feeding ice cream 2016-11-17 smile 2016-11-20 not much he can do yet 2016-11-21 not much he can do yet 2016-11-23 doing good 2016-12-05 much better Case 2 P ermanent Vegetative State 64-year-old Chinese woman in Sichuan, China. Diagnosed (1) C erebral infarction, progressive brain atrophy from 51 to 52-year-old ; (2) B rain bleeding, d rain out 250ml old bloody liquid in 53-year-old; ( 3 ) Alzheimer's Disease in about 58-year-old; ( 4 ) P ermanent Vegetative State from about 60-year-old. Treatment Result They try many treatments and no effect. She has good consciousness in 6 days after we treat in May, 2015. Case 3 Diabetic Retinopathy and Optic Atrophy; Alzheimer's Disease About 76-year-old Chinese woman in Los Altos, California, US Diagnosed (1) D iabetic retinopathy and optic atrophy. Only had light-sensitive vision and no outdoor activity; (2) Alzheimer's Disease. Treatment Result After our treatment (about 10 days) in summer 2003, she can drive car around the house. Her vision was still good last time when we meet her in February 2007. Alzheimer's Disease also got much better for a while (We do not know how long. We guess about a year). There are more details in this Chinese webpage: http://yanhuangmedicine.com/vision/vision_02-1.html Case 4 RP(retinitis pigmentosa) and Optic Atrophy 60-year-old Chinese man in Beijing, China. Diagnosed Diagnosed with RP(before 5 years old), optic atrophy, retinal detachment and cataract (surgery at 48 years old). He had only narrow side vision that is very blur, like with “heavy fog”. Treatment Result He had tried many treatments for more than 50 years and no effect at all with the “fog”. After our treatment (about 10 days) in summer 2015, he said that vision is very clear without any “fog”. There are more details in this Chinese webpage: http://yanhuangmedicine.com/vision/vision_02-1.html contact us: WeChat: shenjingxiufu email: 1325419239@qq.com
个人分类: 神经修复|11244 次阅读|0 个评论


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