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分享 学唱Sarah的《First of May》歌名来源和puppy love
热度 8 yuanyuan88 2017-3-7 23:29
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ytkj6q3olA 优酷:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzcwNDUxODg4.html 土豆:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/7E27C1aUMeY/ "First of May” 的原唱是Bee Gees。单曲在1969发行. 歌名的灵感来自Bee Gees 爱犬的生日“五月一日”。这首歌被很多世界著名的歌唱家翻唱,其中Sarah Brightman 的版本广为流传,我就是学唱她的版本。1971年这首歌选作英国电影 Melody的插曲, 这部电影讲述了可爱的puppy love. 英国电影《Melody两小无猜》简介: Melody is a 1971 British film about "puppy love." This romantic fantasy was unique in that it told the story through the viewpoint of the children. One day, Daniel falls in love with Melody Perkins and announces to their parents that they want to get married. Not sometime in the future, but now. However, the adults, parents and teachers alike try to dissuade them. Their classmates are determined to help them. In a far place they marry the couple. Their parents follow them and try to stop it. The children go wild and make a car explode. Melody and Daniel run away in a handcar down the railway line. They are only 12 years old when they marry. 电影里有这样一段对话: Melody:五十年有多长? Daniel:150个学期不包括假期 Melody:我想你不会爱我那么长 Daniel: 我会的,我不是已经爱了你整整一个星期了? 画外音:这样的爱情真会last 50 years? First of May 里唱道:Someone else moved in from far away. 也许这个someone else将会改写这个故事的续集。。。
个人分类: 外国歌曲|11944 次阅读|8 个评论
分享 【周末听歌】Love is in the air
热度 10 雨柔 2015-4-19 10:59
这首歌经典得不能再经典,现代再也没有如此让人心旷神怡,轻快的浪漫歌曲了~~ 难道你不想站起来跳起舞来吗?也许你想小醉一下,也许你只是会心地笑笑,让喜悦与幸福从内心静静满溢出来~~ 春天来了~~ 感受到空气中飘荡的爱吗? 给沉闷的生活加点阳光,加点爱,加点欢笑,加点浪漫,让它变得五彩斑斓~
个人分类: Music|11762 次阅读|28 个评论
分享 Give You My Love
热度 12 雨柔 2015-2-14 08:52
个人分类: Music|10957 次阅读|23 个评论
分享 Love is...
热度 16 雨柔 2015-2-4 05:58
个人分类: Music|7794 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 让我们的社区变得更美好
热度 16 宜修 2013-8-5 07:03
让我们的社区变得更美好 宜修 一个月没去Flushing了。今天在那儿稍事逗留,竟看到两处令人眼前一亮的街景。摘回来贴在湾里,让大家的周末更加愉快! Flushing镇中心的公共图书馆门前。估计是保钓团体所为,不论是老保钓(来自台湾的同胞),还是新保钓(两岸N地的同胞)。 在餐馆和来自纽泽西的女友午餐的时候,我见到一位华人女性身着一件印有“全球华人反邪教联盟”字样的T恤衫进来,心里还震撼了一把:“有这样的组织了?” 少顷,出了餐厅,就在Flushing街头见到了照片中的这个展板和标语。 让我们的社区变得更美好! I Love NY more than ever! 二零一三年八月四日录
个人分类: 纽约随笔|8883 次阅读|31 个评论
分享 And I Love You So
热度 7 兔儿爷 2012-9-11 13:10
And I Love You So Perry Como And I love you so The people ask me how How I've lived 'til now I tell them I don't know I guess they understand How lonely life has been But life began again The day you took my hand And yes I know, how lonely life can be The shadows follow me And the night won't set me free But I don't let the evening get me down Now that you're around me And you love me too Your thoughts are just for me You set my spirit free I'm happy that you do The book of life is brief And once a page is read All but life is dead That is my belief And yes I know, how lonely life can be The shadows follow me And the night won't set me free But I don't let the evening get me down Now that you're around me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuEOBtxDJkM
个人分类: 音乐|5963 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 My Chicken Soup with Rice
热度 2 JuneRipple 2012-8-29 10:36
My Chicken Soup with Rice while in the midst of thoughts, these notes, all of a sudden, shift over behind my eyes so elusive and vague lingering at my fingertips oh my dear who are you? no answers of course but they are so close like some old friends seeing tenderness filled up in my chambers my heart starts longing for their touches .... oh, magics the chicken soup with rice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syAtmgKqc9cfeature=player_embedded#! JR Aug 28, 2012
个人分类: 老歌新曲|304 次阅读|4 个评论


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