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分享 (号外)地面部队讯息:“第一次外星大接触”工作计划
热度 2 一叶秋风 2013-4-24 19:38
(号外)地面部队讯息: “第一次外星大接触”工作计划 中文翻译: 林琚月20130422 准备在“完全大揭露”之后做 “第一次大接触” “初次外星接触”目的是要 --- 提高你们(人类)对“灵性世界”的觉知,并且引导你们来质疑你们社会中许多“无庸置疑”的“真理”。 “首次接触”不只是代表了一群飞碟的降落,而是我们对原来“我们自我的人认知”的“结束”,以及“开启启始”一个新的实相“关于”--- 我们到底是谁? “初次外星接触”是一个“先兆”预兆着我们已经扬升入了某种非常光辉的境界! “飞船降落”之后的“事件计划” 降落之后,银河联邦团队会先开启跟你们大家公开的讨论 --- 关于你们对于“第一次外星大接触”的经验以及感觉。 这讨论主要内容是关于你们,这个星球,以及提升这个实相的议题。 令人惊叹的科技将会赠予给你们,而许多被保密住的高科技都会公开! 飞碟大降落 想象一副图画是关于几个人守在飞碟的出口,等待着会见两个银河联邦人员,一男一女,他们穿着连身衣裤,伸开双手走出飞碟时的情形的图画。背景中还有几艘其它飞船,也有小群看似记者与摄影师的人群围绕着银河联邦成员并拿着麦克风访问他们。 “飞碟大降落”之后的时间线 第一个礼拜~ 与首批登陆地球之银河联邦人员以及“扬升大师”们互动接触。 第一个月~ 开始“技术移转”以及“再教育课程” 第二个月~ 开始“污染清理”以及“地球生态复苏工程” 第三个月~ 开始“全意识训练”以及 结束 I.E.(?)重聚 第四个月~ 开始“大撤退”入地心与上飞船。
个人分类: 银河联邦|4663 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 同一时间拍到天上彩虹 地面彩虹
热度 15 照偏天地 2013-4-18 09:32
同一时间拍到天上彩虹 地面彩虹
(四十一) 三月三日, 意外的拍到一个画面:天上和地面的彩虹 。。。 以彩虹路为背景,拍摄自己喜欢彩虹的喜悦 》》》 一位过路者以平板电脑拍摄彩虹路》》》 穿上盛装行走在彩虹路上,有着满足感 》》》
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分享 阿斯塔重要信息:大揭露发生前地面需要发生的改变!!
热度 1 一叶秋风 2013-4-4 09:41
大揭露发生前地面需要发生的改变!! 阿斯塔重要信息 是我,阿斯塔。我带来了一些惊喜,我选择这个管道是因为我知道那些好人会把它传递下去,我保证你们提供给了读者们非常多的渠道。首先,我会通知大家有关大揭露计划的事。 It is I, Ashtar. I have breaking news, and I have chosen this channel because I know the good people will pass it on and assure great distribution to the many readers you serve. First, I will inform you of the state of the Disclosure plans. 巴拉克·奥巴马全然意识到正在升温的部分光之工作者的急躁,也知道关于他亲爱的米歇尔要为这种停顿负责的中伤。这绝对不是真的。他并没有拖延他的脚步,他一直遵从着一直全局掌握着行星地球扬升进程的委员会的指令,我们也曾经承诺要遵守。 Barack Obama is fully aware of the growing impatience on the part of Lightworkers, and also aware of the slanderous comments about his dear Michelle being the reason for the hold-up. This is absolutely not true. He has not been dragging his feet. He has been following orders from the Council which oversees the Ascension process of Planet Earth, which we are all pledged to abide by. 这个过程是够艰难的,关于我们扬升大师诚信的欺侮的流言满天飞。下一步,让我对进展作一下更新。就象你们怀疑的,这是一个多方位的努力,还不仅包括欢迎你们银河兄弟姐妹的壮观的庆典。 This process is difficult enough without having rumors flying around which insult the integrity of our Ascended Masters. Next, let me update you on the progress. As you might have suspected, this is a multi-pronged effort, including not only the spectacular celebration of welcoming your Brother and Sisters. 这比那远复杂得多。这包括了全面彻底检查你们的金融、司法和社会系统。没有大乱就不会大治,直到我们地面的代表们完成了这些工作,让下一步工作就位:轮流金融系统,通过它每个人都可以使用基金可以有秩序地继续他们的生活,包括可以获得食物和过度时期的基本生活保障。 It is far more complex than that. It involved the complete overhaul of your financial, legal and social systems. That cannot be done without complete chaos unless the work has been done by our representatives on the ground to have the following things in place: An alternate financial system through which everyone can access funds to continue their lives in an orderly fashion, including being able to access food and basic necessities for the interim. 食物、医疗护理分配系统,和其它外部必需品的分配系统(通用的牟利渠道已经使世界贫穷国家和其人民成为了人质)。可以辨别、驱逐、起诉长久以来制造大众苦难的黑暗势力的组织机构。这非常重要,也是大揭露最困难的部分,因为当前的司法与监狱系统完全由于贪污与腐败而漏洞百出。 Systems of distribution for food, medical care and other necessities outside the usual profiteering channels which have held poor countries and their people hostage. Organizations which are capable of identifying, pursuing and prosecuting the Dark Ones who have created hardship for all of you over the eons. This is an especially important and difficult part of the procedure, since the present systems of courts and prisons are completely riddled with corruption and greed. 我们不容忍那些如此邪恶地滥用他们权力的罪犯再继续下去,或消失在大众中象过去一样再次从事罪恶的勾当。在巨变期间,新的社会组织会为那些需要的人提供避难所和情感上的支持。 We cannot permit the criminals who have misused their power so viciously to continue, or to disappear into the population to begin their destructive work again, as they have done in the past. New social organizations which can provide shelter for those who need it and emotional support during the massive changes. 很多没有阅读到这些信息的人们会被突然之间向光明的转变深感恐惧和迷惑。教育结构会向大家解释原因,并教导黄金时代的引导员们教导儿童新纪元辉煌之路的方法。 Many who have not been reading these messages as you have will be frightened and confused by the sudden Shift to the Light. Educational structures to help explain and teach The True Way, and to help usher in the New Golden Age by teaching the children the glorious ways of the New Era. 这在互联网上就简单容易多了----这个好资源让大家在全球即时无障碍地交流。这会广泛地应用让每个人可以准备得到信息。那些欺诈误导的信息不会在媒体中继续,包括新闻媒体。 This is made much easier by the internet - this wonderful resource which allows you to talk across the planet with no time lapse. It will be used extensively to keep all of you ACCURATELY informed. Deceptive information and misinformation will no longer be permitted within this medium. Media. 电视台会从利益导向、公司的控制中移除,回归大众手中。你们不会再看到暴力、智力扭曲的娱乐节目,和那些来自运用这些卖点进行人脑控制、大量盗窃行星资源的利益集团的虚假的新闻报道。 Your television stations will be removed from the control of profit-oriented companies and returned to the people. You will no longer see violence, mind-twisting “entertainment” or bogus news reports from the Powers That Be who have used these outlets for the purpose of mind-control and massive theft of the planet’s resources. 人类的精神资源已经使其集体意识、慰藉和与神之连接完全依赖传统的教会系统。你们会被我们发动起来帮助人们取代那些在当前宗教系统中采取的僵硬的教条主义的修行方法,而取而代之以仁慈充满爱之真理的教导。这将是一个不间断的课程。 Spiritual resources for people who have relied on the traditional Church settings for their sense of community, solace and connection with God. You will all be called upon to help replace the rigid doctrinaire practices of the present religions with the kind and loving teachings of The True Way. This will be an ongoing process. 就象你们看到的,我们亲爱的圣哲曼已经以蒲伯(罗马教皇的身份)作出了令人钦佩的举动,慢慢地树立新的行为举动和态度,那会相当快地改变教化的真实之路。当然,我们请求你们把这个信息“放在你们的帽子下”。 As you have seen, our dear St. Germain has been doing an admirable job as “the Pope,” gently modeling new behaviors and attitudes which will fairly quickly be shifted to teaching The True Way. Of course, we ask that you keep this information “under your hats.” 随着时间推移,我们考虑到会有毫无事实依据和无理的谣言,我们真的希望大家把它当成一个玩笑,这样你们可以很仔细地观察,并每次与我们一起微笑,因为他要展示的是新的根本的对传统惯例的破除,当他拆除这些几千年来奴役穷人和女人的制度时,请和我们一起欢呼赞叹。 For the time being it will just be thought of as an unfounded and impossible rumor, but we did want you to be in on the wonderful joke so that you can watch carefully and smile with us each time he presents a new and radical break with tradition, smiling sweetly as he dismantles thousands of years of enslavement of the poor and women. 技术进步会很快有效地介绍给大家,取代你们原始动力来源。我们不希望几百万的人们生活在水火当中,我们带来了巨大的改变,提供更有效率的能源。 Technological advancements, which we will be introducing quickly and efficiently to take the place of your current primitive sources of power. We do not wish for millions of people to freeze or swelter as we make the shift to efficient sources. 我们正在每个方面都做着努力,让过渡有秩序地发生。因此大家看,这是一个巨大而复杂的事业。作为组成部分的每个人都在接近完工状态----就是说,他们有机的组织起来并已经就位,在需要的时候即可采取行动。 We are making every effort to provide an orderly transition. So you see, it is a massively complex undertaking. Every one of these elements are nearing the stage of completion - that is, they are organizing organically to the point where they will be in place and viable when they are needed. 你们中那些寻求自己的之路的人---请来参加过渡工作的某个类别当中。不要去问这项工作什么时候结束,参加进去推动它发生。组成小组,大家就可以经常和邻居与朋友们获得消息并保持连接。 Those of you who are asking what you path is - come forward to join one of these categories of transition work. Rather than ask when it will all be done, join in the work to make it happen. Set up groups so that you have contact and frequent communication with your neighbors and friends. 成为你们社区中的信息源头,让人们知道无论什么时候他们都可以从你这里得到支持。你们的任务会大量而急速地到来,你们会有助于扬升实现。 Be a resource for information in your community by letting people know you are available to help out whenever needed. Your assignments will come thick and fast, and you will be instrumental in making the Ascension plans come to fruition. 你们很多人都知道过渡时期运动,它起源于英国,并已经传遍世界。和他们接触,成为他们的网络一员,他们已经开始组织帮助改变中的每个人。 Many of you have heard of the Transition Movement which was begun in the UK and has spread around the world. Contact these folks to become part of their network. They are already organizing to help one another for the Change. 你们可以从这里开始 www.TransitionUS.org ,连接当地的人们,他们是好人已经为即将到来的改变做好哲学和情感上的准备。我真的不能给大家关于大揭露的确切的时间。 You can begin with www.TransitionUS.org , and go on from there to contact people in your area. They are good people who are already philosophically and emotionally aligned with the coming Shift. I absolutely will not give you a fixed date for the Disclosure Moment. 这取决于你们中有多少人动员起来参与进这个活动。跟随我给大家的指导方针,把自己当成一个源头,你会发现令你满意的工作,它可以提升自己的灵性,这是所有人的目标也是需要开始之处,不是么?从灵性上提升自己并不是说要从高维度那里得到些什么。 It will depend upon how many of you mobilize to take positive action. Follow the guidelines I have given you here. Reach out to offer yourself as a resource and you will find fulfilling work which will lift you spiritually, which is the goal of all this to begin with, isn’t it? Lifting yourself spiritually does not involve being given something from On High. 这是一个个人的过程,学会在光中呼吸、思考和感受。集中精力于对你的每个想法、感受和行动的完全觉知中,这样你就不会再做任何后悔之事,你会永远成为一个光之灯塔。 It is an individual process of learning to breathe, think and feel in the Light. Concentrate on learning to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action so that you never do anything you will regret, and so that you are always acting as a Beacon of Light. 你们都是使徒,亲爱的孩子们,如同我们。你们是好信息与中央大日之光---你们所称的神性的承载者。就是你们会成为盖娅新黄金时代的引导者。 You are all apostles, Dear Children, as we are. You are the bearers of the good news and the Light of the Central Sun, which you have known as the Godhead. It is you who will usher in the New Golden Age of Gaia. 为了你们,我们永远都在这里,象你们一样为你们提供礼物与祝福,这是个合作的项目,我们告诉过你们。成为自己-我们的杰出发光的自我。不要恐惧说出来,告诉你知道的,你从这些页面中读到的。 We will be there with you, celebrating and offering our gifts just as you offer yours. This is a joint project, as you have been told. Be yourself - our brilliant, radiant Self. Do not be afraid to speak out, to tell what you know, what you have read in these pages. 那些嘲笑拒绝相信你们的人们不久会学知道你们是新时代的领导者,当时间到来,他们会来到你这里寻求答案。宣称自己吧,宣告自己愿意为大家提供服务的意图。 Anyone who scoffs and refuses to believe you will learn soon enough that you are a leader of the New Age and will come to you for answers when the time comes. Announce yourselves. Declare your intention to be of service. 告诉你们的指导者与协助者,告诉我们的父母神把自己的名字放到光之工作者的花名册中,你们是能够被指望完成扬升的事业的人。之后就开始,你们知道自己的才能是什么,你们可以环顾四周看到大家需要什么。 Tell your Guides and Helpers. Tell Mother/Father God to place your name on the roster of Lightworkers who can be counted on to work for the Ascension cause. Then begin. You know what your talents and abilities are. You can look around you and see what others are in need of. 现在就开始你们的扬升事业,献身于盖娅和她的人民伟大梦想的实现,我们在这里和你们一起,准备立即行动起来。我们对大揭露过程有一个计划,那是很引人注目的、灵活的和紧凑的。 Begin your Ascension now, by dedicating yourself to the fulfillment of the Great Dream of Gaia and her people. We are here with you, at the ready. We have developed a plan for the Disclosure process which is dramatic, flexible, and fast-moving. 实际上我们都翘首以盼大揭露的发生。这是一个等待着大家的辉煌时代,现在我预祝大家在扬升工作中取得好的成就。我是阿斯塔,合十!!! We are, literally, on our toes, in high anticipation of the Great Unfolding. What a glorious time it is to be here with you. And now I leave you to get on with your Ascension work. I am Ashtar. Salut. Source:http://www.whoneedslight.org 原文网址: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/part-137-ashtar-tells-of-the-changes-needed-on-the-ground-before#ixzz2PM663oK2 传导:Kathryn E. May 翻译:shan-athana http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7696b0770101cfv8.html 相关阅读: 儿子梦游佛国 阿斯塔说成佛诀窍 一个科学家灵魂的忠告 念一声佛号 现一道光明~~ 我们可以很爱和我们没有关系的人 万众一心,归于觉醒、万教归于觉醒 美国众多宇航员为何走上了信神的道路? 2012.10.16 郑辉老师传光工具(流畅)1小时 一位母亲如实记录8岁孩子接收光舍利灵性快速成长的可喜历程
个人分类: 阿斯塔佛|6090 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 晓亮 2012-8-30 19:02
人类数量增加了,地面上开始出现各种各样的界标,最典型的界标就是人为制造的墙。古代,人们没有国境线的概念,野蛮民族总是肆无忌惮的进犯其他民族进行掠夺。汉民族为此修建长城,以此作为抵御外民族侵犯,同时作为反抗出击的起点。 除了中国北方长城,在湖南与贵州交界处的荒山野岭还有一座中国南方的长城。虽然规模远远不及北方长城,但是作用都是一样的。 其实,在中国西部也有一座长城,她坐落在四川都江堰境内,古代是中国道教的圣地 ---- 赵公山。赵公山的一座分支是青城山,一说青城山,也许是人们家喻户晓的地方,而赵公山,可能知道的人不多。 中国西部的长城非常短小,几乎不能称之为长城,甚至称之为墙也有些过分,她只不过是道教始祖张天师留下的石刻,被人们称之为天条。张天师留下几笔线条石刻是意味着什么?许多人虽然各有各的解释。但是从当时所处的地理位置,以及历史上这一地理位置所起的作用,她都像是一条无形的长城,几千年来巍然屹立在赵公山上。 在张天师来到赵公山同时代,李冰父子也在开发岷江水利。都江堰上游是羌族少数民族,也是大禹的故乡。根据历史记载,羌族善于逢江架索,用竹条和树藤涂抹一种油脂,非常结实。听说过三国里诸葛亮火烧藤甲军的故事吗?当时少数民族用的藤甲不但可以逢江架索,而且也是抵御刀枪的防御武器。羌族和汉族虽然相互厮杀,但却是历史悠久的兄弟。 赵公山的南边是羌族,东边就是汉族,泾渭分明。两边人民几千年来相安无事,可能就是因为有了张天师的那道留在赵公山上的天条。 道教不仅仅是汉民族的宗教而且也是羌族以及各个少数民族的宗教,而日本的神教其实也是从道教演变过来的。
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