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分享 童年生活在对神的恐惧之中
热度 2 神一鬼 2012-11-12 22:04
原文 http://www.answerology.com/index.aspx/question/3141282_Has-anyone-else-had-a-bad-childhood-experience-from-being-raised-in-a-religious-home-Just-me.html Has anyone else had a bad childhood experience from being raised in a religious home? Just me? I don't even know where to begin. This is such a loaded topic for me. The only way I can capture the gist of my childhood experience with the church is, "mentally and spiritually abusive". (Btw, this is totally irrelevant, but I know some of you will be wondering, I'm not gay. Also, my family is Baptist.) What kind of childhood is one where a kid has to be so paranoid to think that God is examining your every thought and motive, and judging whether or not it is a "good" or "bad" feeling or thought to have. I remember thinking that God could read every thought in my brain, and I used to feel so scared and insecure about my "Salvation" (Which, let me tell you, set me up for some serious sexual complexes that will last me my entire life). I used to lie awake at night, watching the headlights of passing cars through the plastic blinds, and being afraid that one of them wasn't a headlight, but was Jesus coming back to take my family away. I used to listen for trumpets following each headlight and then listen for my family's snoring to make sure I hadn't been "left behind". Someone told me that if I were to be "left behind" monsters would be coming down the street and killing people in their homes. Have you seen The Mist? That's what I was afraid would happen. I used to try to imagine what it would be like to feel the sensation of being burned to death, but forever. Never-ending pain. I had to question the validity of what I was being taught in order to maintain my sanity at a very young age. And I felt all of this as a heterosexual!!! I thank MY God everyday for not throwing the homosexual trip at me because I may have not made it, and I wouldn't be sitting here typing this to you right now. And thank GOD that I found the Hitchhiker's Guide in middle school to help me realize that the Christian perspective wasn't the only perspective, and to lighten the mood a little on the subject. I think all kids should have to read those books.
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