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热度 3已有 11915 次阅读2013-9-25 02:44 |系统分类:转帖--非原创请选择| 美国


看看YAHOO 上美国人的反应。 不翻译了,(各位可以学点烂英文, 地道美语哟。) 翻天了, 国家战略机密呀。

·      Freedom 26 minutes ago  

Smithfield's no longer going to be an iconic name in MY kitchen. I've been boycotting everything made by Smithfield ever since this news hit the media a few months ago. If the company isn't good enough to be American-owned, then it's not good enough for me and my family to buy from. There ARE other American owned pork companies here in the US. They are just smaller and more localized. Look around. You'll find some in your area.

actiontek 1 hour ago 

The Chinese take over of America is almost complete; next will be all the farms and water reserves.

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·        http://socialprofiles.zenfs.com/images/dd009e4280fe66d18612a3c2ae107b9c_48.png

Fight4Justice 36 minutes ago 

I bet the Chinese government would never allow a Chinese company to be bought out by an American company.

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55 minutes ago 

Shame on each and every shareholder and anyone in the government who thought to authorize this deal.

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·        http://socialprofiles.zenfs.com/images/291d05d859053f70ecd04885cbd87aea_48.jpeg

actiontek 1 hour ago 

If this is not a matter of national defense, there never has been one.



RICHARD 16 minutes ago

Well I will never buy or eat anything made by Smithfield, that's for sure.



h2o4ever 23 minutes ago

Coming soon to a grocery store near you: Shanghai River pork soup, straight from the source.


Scuba Dude 2 minutes ago 

Selling our souls to the Chinese, one company at a time.

John 18 minutes ago 

It makes sense, since the US has excess capacity to produce pork, and China can't produce enough to keep up with demand. The question is, will the Chinese consumer reject saline injected meat. I won't buy it myself.

RFJ 18 minutes ago

No more Smithfield products in my kitchen. I've already been experimenting with local heritage pork products grown locally.

·      LG 3 minutes ago 

It's not Smithfield anymore. They should change the name. The list forever grows of things that once had name value because the product was once good, and its other associations meant things to people. Products like Grundig, Nexxus hair care, the old Sears, etc. are just not what they used to be. You can't fool the people. We'll respond by not buying the product.

David 40 minutes ago 

Now our Pork will have melamine poisoning or trichinosis worms; SELL OUTS; see melamine in Wikipedia and Chinese will sell us bad pork as long as we will eat it. I will never buy any Smithfield or related companies wares. I am getting rid of pork bellies out of my commodity trading.

Smooth 6 minutes ago

I will buy an acre of land in Montana and I will raised my own pigs, cows and chickens, back to natural basic life.

Cosmos 7 minutes ago 

Can't believe that the United States Government allowed this to happen...We are talking a huge portion of the American food supply...Not only will quality control be affected but what happens when there is a bad drought or other catastrophic event in China, does America actually believe that China will let their people starve, don't think so. Meat that we produced will be shipped to China for them, We will rue this day.

Its Me 17 minutes ago 

No more Smithfield products in my house. Those of you that are so enamored with our Gov and want them controlling and protecting every aspect of your life (in most cases you want them controlling other, more successful people's lives...but I digress) should pay attention to this. 

We have a Chinese company, a country that tightly controls it's corporations and business and has a terrible history of products and processes that endanger people (and animals, remember the pet food problems) has been allowed to take over one of the largest food producers in the US. Our gov, that is so quick to jump in and control our lives and our businesses has allowed this, with barely a whimper of protest. 

In my mind, one of two things has taken place....1. A failure of our gov to do it's job or 2. There have been some nice gifts and other benefits to keep the gov from getting involved. 

Either way, those of you that see the gov as the fix for everything, may want to reconsider that view. Where are these meddling bureaucrats when there is something that they should be meddling in.

Equay_30 18 minutes ago 

Also does anyone know why the same comments keep repeating over and over when you click view more comments?

Testing 26 seconds ago 

Now all they need is a hostile takeover of Amalgamated Noodle.

John 2 minutes ago 

I will never buy Smithfield ever again, if I ever did. Would China let an American company buy one of theirs? Not.









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回复 虎老 2013-9-26 02:00
回复 虎老 2013-9-26 02:03
Vano 居然投了鲜花?可见她对国企收购了美国的最大肉食加工企业由衷地高兴


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